St. Stephen Agape serves 362 children in the Garden compound of Lusaka, Zambia.
Garden is a high density, low-income neighborhood within Lusaka that is home to 60,000 people.
The compound formed during the Colonial Era, when African migrants built shanties on the city’s sewage outflow area. The land is prone to flooding and still lacks adequate electricity, water, sanitation, and waste management infrastructure.
As a result, the community experiences chronic groundwater contamination that results in deadly waterborne illnesses including schistosomiasis, malaria, and cholera.
Since 2000, St. Stephen Agape has provided nutrition and education to thousands of young children who would otherwise miss out on school.
The children who attend St. Stephen Agape experience ‘social exclusion,’ defined by the UN as “a state in which individuals are unable to participate fully in economic, social, political and cultural life, as well as the process leading to and sustaining such a state.”
About St. Stephen Agape
Head teacher: Ms. Phiri
Number of students: 362
Grades: 1 to 7
Number of teachers: 8
Number of classrooms: 10
Number of toilets: 8
Number of taps: 1
St. Stephen Agape’s Needs
Classroom construction
Storage room construction
Conversion of pit latrines into toilets with running water
Computer lab
Textbooks for all grades
Firewood and cooking pots for school lunch
Livable wages for teachers
After-school soccer league
Pictured: the current location of a planned multipurpose room.
RSVP: Houston for St. Stephen Agape
Hosted by our ACE team, we hope you will join us for an unforgettable evening at University Baptist Church! We will enjoy appetizers, storytelling, and have the opportunity to uplift hundreds of our young brothers and sisters at St. Stephen Agape FaithWorks school in Lusaka, Zambia.
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 from 4-6 PM.
University Baptist Church
16106 Middlebrook Dr, Houston, TX 77059