Be a miracle for Chanda.
In Zambia today, hunger is on the rise for those living in material poverty.
Worsened by the global pandemic and economic downturns, hunger plays a significant role in why children with living parents end up in orphanages.
Chanda is 50 years old and raising eight children in one of Lusaka’s poorest neighborhoods. She cares for three children of her own, in addition to three grandchildren, and her orphaned niece and nephew.
Moms like Chanda are asking for our help this spring to protect their children from hunger-related family separation, illness, and death.
Chanda’s husband works as a groundskeeper at a local church. The church has few financial resources and gives the family free housing in exchange, but no additional income. They have sustained their family only by the off chance of giveaways of food and supplies from neighbors, which are few and far between. Many times, Chanda and her family eat only once per day or less.
“We wait to see if we will survive. I worry about the youngest children.”
- Chanda, raising eight children
With ten mouths to feed, Chanda faces with a tough decision: watch her children go hungry or turn them over to an orphanage.
This is a common struggle for families experiencing hunger, and a major reason why up to 90% of children in orphanages have living family. They are loved and wanted but their families lack the resources to ensure their survival.
We at ACE think moms and babies deserve more.
Today, we are launching the ‘Miracles for Moms’ campaign to give moms in Zambia better options. With your help we can fund emergency food relief to Chanda and families like hers. Additionally we can empower moms and caregivers with job skills training to create a sustainable future through our Family Preservation and Empowerment Program.
Will you be a miracle for moms and babies in need this spring?
With your help we aim to raise $20,000 by May 15th that will keep 200 moms and babies safe from hunger-related family-separation, illness, and death.
Your gift of just $16.67 can protect Chanda’s family from separation and hunger for an entire month.